There are many different times and days that people use marijuana. People may have different reasons for using it at certain times based on their availability and preference. One of the most common reasons is to help with sleep or to help them relax. In this blog, we will discover the 6 best times to get high during your day!

  1. Wake and bake: 

By constantly starting their mornings with cannabinoids, many cannabis users have perfected the art of waking and baking. A big draw from your two-foot bong can put you back to sleep, but even a smidgeon of herb or concentrates will send you flying into your day.

2. Goodnight smoke:

Just like wake and baking can be very effective for giving your day a jumpstart, cannabis is a well-known natural sleep aid for those that have trouble getting shuteye. Heavy indicas promote relaxation and allow you to comfortably drift off without the use of any sleeping pill. If you know what strain you’re medicating with, try researching its effects to see if it can help you out in the nighttime.

3. Dinner time munch-out:

THC can attach to receptors in your brain that signal you're hungry when it's in your circulation. Cannabis does enhance your appetite—in the form of munchies—as anyone who smokes and eats can attest to. Before you sit down to dine, try some marijuana to complement your meal.

4. High Study: 

You'll want to be focused and in the best possible attitude when it's time to hit the books. If you're a regular smoker, it's likely that you'll perform better when high on cannabis, so try smoking before studying. Treat yourself to a well-earned extra fat bowl pack or dab when you're finished with your school work.

5. Time to leave work!

Have you had a particularly trying day at work? A hearty serving of cannabis is the best treatment for a bad day of slaving for a dollar. The cannabinoids present therein reduce tension and anxiety, allowing you to completely unwind. Pack a piece before you go for work so you have one less thing to do at the end of the day. You'll thank yourself for it afterwards.

6. Shower Time 

Sometimes the bathroom is foggy for more reasons than just steam from the hot water. Smoking and showering is a match that will have you questioning where it has been all of your life. Perhaps you’ll end up spending a little more time there than usual, but the refreshing feeling that you get during and after makes it all worth it.


People may use marijuana in the morning, afternoon, evening, or night. However, there are some specific times that people might use marijuana more than others. These include:

Morning: some people may use it in the morning to help them wake up or to help with pain relief

Afternoon: some people might use it in the afternoon because they feel like their creativity is at its peak -Nighttime: some people might use it at night because they find that this is when they are able to relax more and sleep better


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